Illustration of Aims for Utilization Nursing Process Data in Electronic Patient Records with the Aid of the European Nursing Care Pathways (ENP)

Sunday, 27 July 2014: 8:50 AM

Sebastian Kraus, RN, BS
ENP Research & Development, Baar-Ebenhausen, Germany


The before delineated aims will be illustrated in more detail with the aid of the European Nursing Care Pathways (ENP).

ENP is a classification system which has been developed in Germany since 1989 by a scientific development team with diverse nursing competences. ENP consists of nursing diagnosis with characteristics, etiologies, resources, outcomes, interventions as well as detailed guiding interventions. In Germany and other European countries, ENP is currently used by many hospitals, nursing homes and home health care services as an electronic patient record for nursing process documentation.

Methods: n/a

Results: n/a

Conclusion: n/a