Sunday, 27 July 2014: 8:30 AM-9:45 AM
Description/Overview: This session includes two sub-sessions regarding how caring science is structured for culture and context. The first portion of the presentation will focus on how caring is structured using frameworks like Relationship Based Care, Planetree, and Caring Behaviors Assurance Strategy (CBAS). The second portion of the presentation will review how the structure of caring was established in 75% of the hospitals in Scotland using CBAS.
Structuring data based on a model of care deliver like Relationship Based Care, Caring Behaviors Assurance System, Planetree, or other care delivery systems can assist with data management. Using a model of care delivery system to structure data can assist with measuring the predictors and outcomes proposed to be impacted by the model of care. Structuring data in this manner can organize complex data for the purpose of interpretation and application of data. This session will provide examples from organizations that use structural phenomenology to structure the study of caring within specific models of care delivery, specifically Relationship Based Care (RBC), and Caring Behaviors Assurance System (CBAS).
A deeper examination of one of the models of care delivery, CBAS, will give an overview of person centred healthcare across Scotland, specifically focusing on the seven aspects of quality identified as most important by patients through surveys and feedback. Referred to as the 7 C's; caring, compassion, collaboration, clear communication, clean environment, continuity of care and clinical excellence. The Chief Nursing Officer for Scotland requested designing of a system that would assess caring and compassion at the patient interface; provide one to one feedback and development to staff on findings; deliver a cultural change program measured against a set of owned and agreed caring and compassion standards; create a system of reporting from ward to board and introduce a program to address caring for staff and building a resilient workforce. This work was commissioned by the Chief Health Professions Office for NHS Scotland, and overseen and coordinated at the Executive Nurse Director level. The presentation will demonstrate how this program has been developed and where at local ward and hospital level, measures of caring are monitored alongside interventions of care and patient and staff outcomes.
Moderators: Martha Sylvia, PhD, MBA, RN, School of Nursing, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD
Organizers: John Nelson, PhD, MS, BSN, Healthcare Environment, Inc, New Brighton, MN and Jacqueline Brown, RGN, Golden Jubilee National Hospital, Clydebank, Scotland
See more of: Plenaries/Special Sessions