A 02 SPECIAL SESSION: Fostering Global Citizenship in Nursing Education: The Role of the United Nations

Thursday, 24 July 2014: 3:15 PM-4:30 PM
Description/Overview: The session will begin with a power point presentation for background information, then progress to examples of successful programs on teaching global citizenship and a discussion of United Nations programs in developing global citizens. The implications of ECOSOC status will be discussed, including the opportunities for STTI and our members that exist with this status. The future vision of STTI’s relationship with the UN will also be explored, with discussion of how attendees may best use the information from this presentation.
Moderators:  Erlinda Castro Palaganas, PhD, Institute Of Management, College of Social Sciences, University of the Philippines Baguio, Baguio City, Philippines
Organizers:  Hester C. Klopper, PhD, MBA, RN, RM, FANSA, FUNDISA, University of the Western Cape and North-West University, Pretoria, South Africa and K. Joanne McGlown, PhD, MHHA, BS, RN, FACHE, Global Business Development Department, Sigma Theta Tau International, Indianapolis, IN