Introduction of Seated Tai Chi as a New Approach for Stroke Rehabilitation

Saturday, 25 July 2015: 3:50 PM

Rhayun Song, PhD, RN
Nursing, ChungNam National University, Dae Jeon, South Korea

Purpose: The purpose of the presentation is to introduce the principles and components of Sun style tai chi and the seated Tai Chi developed by Lam(2010) specifically designed for those individuals with physical disabilities such as stroke.

Methods: The basic components of 21 movements will be introduced along with exercise precaution when seated tai chi applied to those with functional disabilities. The method of movement control, upright posture, and weight transfer of Tai Chi movements will be explained and applied to the seated Tai Chi program. The important concept of visualization for those with functional disabilities will be explained.

Results: The audience participatory session will be provided to understand the basic principles and exercise precaution of seated tai chi program when applied to the stroke rehabilitation.

Conclusion: This participatory session of seated tai chi program will be helpful for the audience to understand the following sesison of presenting the findings of the pilot study with tai chi applied stroke rehabilitation.