Evaluation of a Teaching Strategy Aimed at Improving the Metacognitive Learning of Nursing Students

Thursday, 23 July 2015: 4:25 PM

Penelope W. McDonald, PhD, MSN, BSN, RN
School of Nursing, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY

Purpose: The faculty who employed the KWLA+R were amazed by the apparent metacognitve and meta-affective learning described in the students’ writings. To explore our assumptions, a decision was made to further validate our perceptions in a scientific and interpretive manner. 


 A qualitative analysis was conducted for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the KWLA+R process on learning outcomes by discerning the metacognitive and meta-affective learning achieved by students in nursing courses across the curriculum.

Utilizing an interpretive phenomenologic approach guided by Heidegerrian hermeneutics, a purposive sample was acquired by selecting two KWLA+R(s) from the archives of courses from 2012 through fall 2014; the samples were de-identified and then distributed to the interpretive group for analysis. The interpretative analysis was conducted using the seven-stage process delineated by Diekelmann, Allen, and Tanner (1989).   The Atlas.ti7qualitative software program was used, to facilitate the analysis.

The interpretive group individually read each KWLA+R from the sample (n.= 38) to gain an overall understanding and summarized the KWLA+R(s) and identified beginning categories.  Differences were discussed until consensus was achieved.  Subsequently, the interpretive circle confirmed and agreed upon the emerging themes until saturation occurred.


Through this analysis, several themes that illustrate the metacognitive learning that occurred, not only as a product of the course content, but as a result of the student’s engagement in the KWLA+R process.  These themes include: Finding My Voice as a Nurse, Becoming Empowered, and Recognizing my Leadership Potential.  Further, meta-affective themes identified included Reawakening My Personal Power and Awakening My Own Self-Awareness were indicative of personal growth and professional development. 

Conclusion: In summary, the faculty validated our perceptions that the use of the KWLA+R, as an instructional metacognitive and meta-affective learning strategy in this nursing program was effective within the scope of its application.   In the future, we will further explore evidence to support this and other self-regulated instructional approaches in nursing education.