H 06 Can We Prevent the Spread of Respiratory Diseases Throughout the World?

Saturday, 23 July 2016: 1:30 PM-2:45 PM
Moderator:  Bilkis Adeleye, Associate degree nurse, general nurse,perioperative nurse, RN, RPON, BLS, HSE, Operating theatre, Alimosho General Hospital, Lagos, Nigeria
Nurses' Experiences With the Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) in Korea

Hee Sun Kang, PhD, RN
Red Cross College of Nursing, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, South Korea
Ye Dong Son, MSN, RN
Red Cross College of Nursing, Chung-Ang University, Seoul, Korea, The Republic of

Associations Between Mastery, Social Support, and Daily Activities in Clients With COPD

Mary Patricia Wall, PhD, MSN, MS, BA, RN
Department of Undergraduate Nursing, Seton Hall University College of Nursing, South Orange, NJ, USA