The Work Readiness of Senior Nursing Students in Turkey

Sunday, 30 July 2017

Abdullah Beyhan, MSc
Division of Nursing, Public Health Nursing Department, Marmara University, Faculty of Health Science,, Istanbul, Turkey
Ayse Ergun, PhD
Division of Nursing, Public Health Nursing Department, Marmara University,Faculty of Health Science,, Istanbul, Turkey

Purpose: The present study was conducted to identify work readiness among senior nursing students in Turkey.

Methods: This descriptive study was carried out with 1008 nursing senior year students from 15 universities 6 of which are state and 9 of private universities. Data were collected with the Work Readiness Scale (WRS). The Work Readiness Scale has 53 items with a 10-point Likert scale (0= strongly disagree and 10= strongly agree) and 4 subscale that are work competence (WC), social intelligence (SI), organizational acumen (OA) and personal work characteristics (PWC) (Walker et all, 2015, Caballero et all. 2011). Cronbach Alpha Value varies from .84 to .88 for the sub-scales. Descriptive statistics (mean, SD, min, max, percent), Mann-Whitney-U test and Kruskal Wallis test were used to analyze the data.

Results:  Mean age of students was 22.53 ± 1.37 and 81.9% was girls. Subscale score means of Work Readiness Scale was found the following results respectively; work competence mean was 6,68±1,47, social intelligence mean was 7,35±1,56, organizational acumen mean was 7,91±1,31 and personal work characteristics mean was 4,76±1,85. Girls had higher scores on organizational acumen (p<0.01) and personal work characteristics (p<0.05). According to type of school there are significance differences between the private and state universities on three subscales (except PWC) (p˂0.01). Another significance difference is that the schools which have 50 and less students have higher scores according to the others on three subscales (except PWC) (p˂0.01). Among the students who choose the nursing consciously and still love his/her job have higher scores according to the other (except PWC) (p˂0.01). The student who gave 7 and more marks for their theoretical and clinical education has higher marks than the other (p˂0.05).

Conclusion: In Turkey there was no study regarding work readiness for nursing because of that, we suggest that to understand this concept better various studies should be carry out.