Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the mediating effect of anxiety on aging in the relationship between knowledge on aging and well-aging behaviors in early adult Korean women.
Methods: Participants were 249 early adult Korean women (age range: 20~29). For measurement of well-aging behaviors as the dependent variable, a questionnaire composed by our research team based on previous research was used. Knowledge on aging and anxiety on aging were measured using instruments developed by Han(2000) and Kim(2011) respectively. The mediating effect was analyzed by using multiple regressions according to the 3-step mediation analysis proposed by Baron and Kenny (1986).
Results: Average scores for well-aging behaviors, knowledge on aging and anxiety on aging in these women were 60.8, 55.3, and 57.8 respectively. Step 1 regression analysis showed that knowledge on aging significantly affected anxiety on aging (β=-.267, t=-4.35, p< .001). Step 2, the knowledge on aging had a significant effect on well-aging behaviors (β=.166, t=2.65, p=.009). Step 3, when the knowledge on aging and anxiety on aging were entered into the regression model at the same time, anxiety on aging had significant effects on well-aging behaviors(β=-.314, t=-5.06, p< .001), and the effect of knowledge of aging on well-aging behaviors was less in step 3(β=.082, t=1.33, p=.185) than in step 2.
Conclusions: Results of this study show that anxiety on aging completely mediated the relationship between knowledge on aging and well-aging behaviors. Based on these results, health professionals can improve their understanding about well-aging and develop strategies to decrease aging anxiety of younger woman to enhance well-aging behavior.