Setting Academic Standards for Graduate-Level Global Health Clinical Practicums

Friday, 26 July 2019: 10:20 AM

Tracy Kelly, DNP
Ola During Children's Hospital, Sierra Leone, Chapel Hill, NC, USA

Introduction: Increased interest in global health nursing as a career path has led to the need for more formal academic clinical program standards clarifying the roles of the student, faculty and host country personnel in planning and evaluation.

Aim: The aim of this study was to develop and validate learning domains, competencies, and evaluation tool for graduate-level experiential nursing global health programs.

Background: Standard competencies have not been synthesized and delineated nor have evaluation tools been developed for global health programs at the graduate level. In addition little input from host country personnel in establishing evaluation of practicums have been sought.

Design: A combination of a documentary literature review and expert consensus panel to validate results was used as a design for this study.

Methods: The NLM and CINAHL databases were searched for articles published between 2007-2017 relevant to graduate-level global health nursing programs. Data were extracted and coded, from which themes regarding learning domains, competencies, and evaluation items were derived. Then a three-step expert panel was used to refine and form a statistical representation (>.78 agreement on importance, relevance and clarity) of the learning domains, competencies, and evaluation items. The expert panel members came from an international background with academic or clinical strength.

Results: 26 relevant articles were included for the documentary review, 18 concerning learning domains of global health immersion programs and 8 concerning interdisciplinary global health competencies specific to nursing. These learning relationships were then formatted into a table subdivided between learning categories for expert panel consensus. After expert panel review, a compendium of learning domains, competencies and evaluation items resulted.

Conclusion: Global health clinical learning practicums are essential for graduate-level preparation of nurses. Learning domains, competencies, and evaluation tools need to be adopted and empirically tested by international and national nursing associations. Successful faculty-host partnerships assure program sustainability and builds needed capacity at both ends of the relationship.