Learning Objective #1: Identify an instrument for measuring nurse-patient relationships (NPR) | |||
Learning Objective #2: Discuss the NPR instrument in an economic context |
A challenge for nursing in current economy is nurse-patient relationships (NPR); there is a dearth of NPR nursing research studies related to outcomes of care. Review of Literature Patients in Magnet Hospitals are more likely to have a single nurse accountable for care, favorable nurse staffing & experienced competent teams to improve NPR (Aiken; 2002; Hinshaw; 2002; Havens; 2002). Purpose: To determine factors affecting NPR in economic context. Research Questions: What factors affect NPR? and How does economic environment affect NPR? King's Communication Concept provides theoretical basis. Methodology Design-Descriptive Study. Instrument Turkel's (2000) 45-item Nurse-Patient Relationship Resource Questionnaire (NPRRQ) Nurse & Patient Forms with response ranging 1 (Strongly Disagree) to 5 (Strongly Agree). Sample 45 nurses & 51 patients in 1200+ bed medical center. Nurses Ages ranged 21- 65 yrs. Ed level 50% nurses-ADN; 4%-BS/BA; 39%-BSN; 7%-MSN/MS/MA. Cultural background 25% Caucasian, 11% Hispanic, 32% Afro-American, 9% Asian & 20% other. Patient. Ages ranged 21-65+. Ed level-HS; 50% AS; 3% BS/BA 7% -MA/MS degree. Cultural background 25% Caucasian, 8% Hispanic, 34% Afro-American, 9% Asian and 24 % other. Means ranged low 2.28 for Q33 "Put a Dollar" to high 4.58 for Q16 "Nurse Listening to Me." SD .56 for Q6 "Knowing My Nurse" to 1.39 for Q29, "Less Nurses Make Difference." Principal components analysis: 45 items (Scree Plot) four factors Factor 1 "Family;" Factor 2 "Finance;" Factor 3 "Communication;" Factor 4 "Information." Nurses & Patients statistically significant "Family" & "Information" scales; greater Nurse than patient concern "Family"; greater Patient than Nurse concern "Information." ANOVA: Patients more in agreement "Information" than Nurses. Post hoc LSD test - Hispanics more in agreement "Information" than African, Haitian, or Caucasians (p = .008, p = .002, p = .042). Conclusion- King's concept communication that addresses transmission & constancy of information from nursesŪ patients is paramount.
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Sigma Theta Tau International
10-12 July 2003