Thursday, July 22, 2004
This presentation is part of : Health Promotion in Children
Promoting Culturally Competent Child Care for Indonesian Caregivers in Taiwan
Hwey-Fang Liang, PhD, RN, Department of Nursing, Department of Nursing, Chung Hwa College of Medical Technology, Tainan, Taiwan, Taiwan
Learning Objective #1: Discover the care practices of Indonesian caregivers whose major task in Taiwan is child care
Learning Objective #2: Apply the knowledge to help Indonesian caregivers conquer the culture conflict that interwove Taiwanese and Indonesian culture and to help them realize the tasks they face

Objective: The purpose of this study was to discover the care practice of Indonesian caregivers who were in charge of child care as their major task in Taiwan. Nurses will be able to obtain the knowledge of child care practice of Indonesian caregivers. Nurses can apply the knowledge to help them conquer the culture conflict that interwove Taiwanese and Indonesian culture and to help them realize the tasks they face. Most importantly, improve the ability of Indonesian caregivers and assist them to provide culturally competent child care in Taiwan.

Method: This study used ethnography as a methodology to explore the context of culture with caregiving that was interwoven into Indonesian caregivers of Taiwanese children. Purposive and snowball sampling were used to collect data and assured that the criteria of Indonesian caregivers who were embraced in the study. A total of 42 Indonesian child caregivers were participated in the study. A semi-structured interview guide was used to collect data. Leininger phases of analysis of qualitative data was used to provide a systematic, rigorous, and comprehensive means of data analysis (Leininger, 1990).

Findings: There were four major themes discovered in this study: 1. Learning diverse information and culture from family of the child in the beginning. 2. Complying with advice of the mother for child care. 3. Maintaining daily activities and health of the child. 4. Awareness of external context influencing child care.

Conclusion & Implications: The findings from this study will assist nurses to understand the experiences that foreign caregivers provide child care practices in the other culture or country. It is essential for nurses to understand the reality of child care practices from Indonesian caregivers when they do their tasks in Taiwan. The results of this study could promote culturally competent child care for Taiwanese children.

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Back to 15th International Nursing Research Congress
Sigma Theta Tau International
July 22-24, 2004