Thursday, July 22, 2004
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Thursday, July 22, 2004
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
This presentation is part of : Posters I
The Characteristics of Parenting and the Common Factors Associated With
Ching-Feng Chang, RN, MSN1, Li-Chuan Lin, RN, MSN2, Ling-Hua Wang, RN, MSN2, and Su-Fen Cheng, RN, PhD1. (1) Department of Nursing, BS Division, Fooyin University, Kaohsiung Hsien, Taiwan, (2) Department of Nursing, BS Division, Fooyin Unversity, Kaohsiung Hsien, Taiwan
Learning Objective #1: n/a
Learning Objective #2: n/a

Objective: To explore the characteristics of parenting and factors associated with risk for impaired parenting among mothers of prematurely born children in Taiwan. Design: Qualitative in-depth interview and questionnaire survey of the factors associated with risk for impaired parenting. Population, Sample, Setting, Years: In 2003, thirteen mothers whose uncomplicated premature children were under 3 years old were sampled from the Premature Baby Follow-up List of a regional hospital in southern Taiwan. Variables Studied Together: A five dimensional question guide, including emotional availability, parenting control, psychiatric disturbance, knowledge base, and commitment was used. Subjects also completed a questionnaire of the factors associated with risk for impaired parenting, including physical factors, infant's factors, psychological factors, knowledge factors, and social factors. Methods: Each subject received a 2.5-hour in-depth interview in her house. The qualitative phenomenology analysis method described by Giorgi in 1985 was used. The common factors associated with risk for impaired parenting were examined by frequency distribution. Findings: The characteristics of parenting included bonding or attachment behaviors, willingness to enhance parenting, provision of physical and emotional needs, putting child's needs before own, democratic parenting style, and well parent-child interactions. The common factors associated with "risk for impaired parenting" included: (1) psychological factors: young age of the mother, large number of closely spaced children, (2) knowledge factors: lack of knowledge about the children health maintenance, development, parenting skills, and (3) social factors: economic stress, lack of involvement of child's father. Conclusions: The mothers of uncomplicated prematurely born children in this study tended to demonstrate positive parenting and were willing to learn parenting skills. The contents of education should emphasize on children health maintenance, development enhancement, and parenting skills. Implication: For mothers with common seen factors associated with risk for impaired parenting, their parenting quality should be carefully assessed to facilitate their parenting functions.

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Sigma Theta Tau International
July 22-24, 2004