Friday, July 23, 2004
This presentation is part of : Health Human Resource Planning
Health Human Resource Planning: A Conceptual Framework
Gail Tomblin-Murphy, RN, PhD, (c), Nursing Research Unit, University of Toronto, Nursing Research Unit, University of Toronto, Dalhousie Univerity, Toronto, ON, Canada

Objective: The presenter will outline the core framework and its key elements to inform how our program of HHR research has been guided by this framework.

To address limitations in HHRP, we have created a dynamic, open-system-based framework to consider these linkages by defining the key elements of human resource planning.

Using this conceptual framework as a heuristic device allows us to more precisely locate and better articulate the strengths and limitations of various candidate approaches to HHR planning.

The key elements of the framework include: Population health: the characteristics of the population that create the demand for health services; this provides the motive, context, and justification for HHRP practices. Production: in order to ensure future capacity to meet population health needs, these needs must be considered in setting production targets for health education and training programs. Supply: reflects the actual number, type, and geographic distribution of providers. Planning and forecasting: the varieties of available HHRP practices and models, their assumptions, methods, data requirements, and limitations. Health, provider and system outcomes: the effectiveness and quality of health human resource practices by examining the effect on population health, provider health, job satisfaction, etc., and system costs and efficiencies. Efficient mix of resources (e.g. fiscal resources, physical plant, space, supplies, equipment and technology): the number and type of resources that must be developed in order to achieve the best population, provider, and system outcomes. Context (represented in the outer broad band of the framework): factors outside the health care system that influence population health, the health system and the health human resource planning process. Our research is informed by this framework. We will present studies and discussions that examine different relationships in the framework.

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Sigma Theta Tau International
July 22-24, 2004