Friday, July 23, 2004
This presentation is part of : Multisite Research: Building Community Among Diverse Members of a Research Team
The Experience Of Multi-Site Nursing Intervention Research From The Team Members’ Perspective
T. Kim Rodehorst, RN, PhD, UNMC College of Nursing, UNMC College of Nursing, University of Nebraska Medical Center, Scottsbluff, NE, USA

Objective: The purpose of this study was to explore the research team members’ experience in conducting multi-site nursing intervention research.

Design: Focus groups were conducted to explore research team members’ perceptions of participating in an intervention study conducted at three rural sites.

Sample & Setting: All research team members and staff nurses at each site were invited to the focus groups. Eleven members of the research team and one staff member contributed to the focus groups.

Method: Each focus group discussion was tape recorded and transcribed verbatim. Transcriptions were reviewed for themes related to the over-all experience with the research project. Participants discussed rewards, frustrations, and offered strategies for improvement.

Findings: The major positive theme was that participating as a member of the research team was “validating” and made some feel “proud” that their institution was involved. Frustrations centered on the tremendous amount of time and work necessary to recruit participants, manage data entry and maintain integrity of the study protocol at each site. Suggestions for improvement included involvement during the planning stage and more comprehensive training with a team leader identified at each site. All research team members desired more communication among members at all sites and more individual recognition.

Conclusions: Staff nurses, especially those in rural settings may require more incentive to participate in research activities. Those nurses recruited as research team members are willing to participate, but more time and money needs to be invested to train and retain site coordinators and research team members.

Implications: To increase engagement and commitment to the research efforts, and to tap into their clinical expertise, nurses need to be included in the development of the project early in the process. Focus groups may assist researchers in refining research protocols before the project is implemented and afterward to evaluate the project.

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Back to 15th International Nursing Research Congress
Sigma Theta Tau International
July 22-24, 2004