Thursday, July 22, 2004: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM

Nursing Role

 Describing Independent Nursing Actions That Promote Partnering With Lay Caregivers in Cooperative Care
Margaret E. Wilson, PhD, CPNP, June Eilers, PhD, RN, Judith Heermann, PhD, RN, Susan E. Knutson, MSN, RN
 Nurses, Their Hospital Work Environments, and Their Responses to These Environments
Ann Tourangeau, RN, PhD
 Southern United States NPs' Practice
Thomas Kippenbrock, EdD, RN, Deborah Gilbert-Palmer, EdS, RN, MSN, CS, FNP, Annette Stacy, MSN, RN, AOCN

15th International Nursing Research Congress
Sigma Theta Tau International
July 22-24, 2004