Saturday, July 24, 2004: 10:15 AM-11:45 AM

Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice

Learning Objective #1: Verbalize how contextual and organisational factors might affect implementation of an intervention model in a Randomised Control Trial (RCT)
Learning Objective #2: Identify how aspects of a study design might influence achievement of the objectives of a pilot study
The symposium will provide an overview of a large international Knowledge Integration Project. It will highlight two specific research activities, one which took place in Canada and the other in Scotland. The two projects are the first steps in identifying strategies for integrating knowledge into practice. The next phase in the project will test these strategies. Symposium participants include researchers from bot Canadian and Scottish sites and will cover details as outlined above. Why would this topic be useful information regarding evidence-based practice applications? As the 'gold standard' methodology for treatment efficacy research it is important that the way in which a randomized controlled trial is carried out is transparent and open to critique. (Kaplan, 2001) While the methodological quality of trails is paramount, information about the context within which trials are carried out is important to open up questions relating to external validity (effectiveness issues rather than efficacy). Given the often complex nature of RCTs it is particularly important in a pilot study to provide information on which aspects of the study design were successful or otherwise in achieving the objectives of the pilot. This can provide crucial informaiton for the design of future RCTs.
Organizer:Cheryl Forchuk, RN, PhD
Presenters:Willaim Reynolds, PhD, MPhil, RMN, RGN, RNT
Elsabeth Jensen, RN, MScN
Mary- Lou Martin, RN, MScN
Siobhan Sharkey, PhD, RMN
Susan Ouseley, MEd
Patricia Sealy, RN, PhD
Georgiana Beal, RN, PhD, CPMHN[C]
Terry Veitch, RMN
 Integrating an Evidence-Based Intervention in Clinical Practice: Background
Cheryl Forchuk, RN, PhD, Willaim Reynolds, PhD, MPhil, RMN, RGN, RNT, Elsabeth Jensen, RN, MScN, Mary- Lou Martin, RN, MScN, Siobhan Sharkey, PhD, RMN, Susan Ouseley, MEd, Patricia Sealy, RN, PhD, Georgiana Beal, RN, PhD, CPMHN[C]
 Contextual Expereicnes of Participating in a Randomised Controlled Trial: Scottish Experience
Willaim Reynolds, PhD, MPhil, RMN, RGN, RNT, Siobhan Sharkey, PhD, RMN, Terry Veitch, RMN
 Integrating an Evidence-Based Intervention: Canadian Experiences
Cheryl Forchuk, RN, PhD, Mary- Lou Martin, RN, MScN, Georgiana Beal, RN, PhD, CPMHN[C], Elsabeth Jensen, RN, MScN, Susan Ouseley, MEd, Patricia Sealy, RN, PhD

15th International Nursing Research Congress
Sigma Theta Tau International
July 22-24, 2004