Friday, July 15, 2005
This presentation is part of : Promoting Student Nurse Success
The Student Perception on a Tutor Facilitating Skills in the Course of Advanced Nursing Theory
Shujen Shiau, RN, MPH, PhD, School of Nursing, College of Medicine, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei, Taiwan, Taiwan, Pi-Ru Chiu, DSN, Dept. of Nursing, College of Medicine, Fu Jen Catholic University, Hsinchung Taipei, Taiwan, Yu Chu Huang, RN, PhD, Department of Nursing, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Hsin-chuang, TaipeiHsien, Taiwan, and Lu Yen-Chin, BSN, Dept, of Nursing, Fu-Jen Catholic University, Taipei Hsien, Taiwan.
Learning Objective #1: Construct and evaluate the facilitating skills of a tutor using PBL (problem-based learning) paradigm in the course of advanced nursing theory in the masters program
Learning Objective #2: Reflect and improve the teaching and learning quality based on the domains of facilitating skills

BACKGROUND: Facilitating small group learning is one important aspect in problem based learning (PBL) program which emphasizes self-directed learning and critical thinking process. The philosophy and mission of the School of Nursing, College of Medicine, Fu-Jen Catholic University has identified the PBL paradigm to improve the teaching and learning quality. PURPOSE: To construct and evaluate the facilitating skills of tutor using PBL paradigm in the course of advance nursing theory in master program. SUBJECT: Three faculty and thirteen students who involved the course of "Advanced Nursing Theory". METHOD: Part I): to construct the tutor evaluation form of facilitating skills, the action research was applied through the cycle of,teaching, reflection, discussion, reflection, change. Content analysis based on the faculty reflection records and discussion record. Part II) A quantitative research was applied using survey design. The data was based on tutor evaluation forms completed by the students after each class. Descriptive and non-parametric statistics were implemented for data analysis. RESULTS:.Part I) Two categories of tutor facilitating skills were identified: (1). To facilitate the group process which includes: 1st-to establish group atmosphere (open, trust, tender, patience, empathy, acceptance, tolerance, support, conflict management); 2nd -to facilitate group interaction and cooperation; 3rd to give feedback (encouragement, appraisal, objective and constructive feedback) (2)To facilitate the improvement of students on the following aspects (a)critical thinking ability; (b) self learning ability; (c) self-evaluation ability; (d)information management ability; (e) conceptual framework and implementation of nursing theories. Part II) the evaluation of tutor facilitating skills from students perception showed the improvement along with the class progressions. CONCLUSION: comparing the traditional teaching, the PBL paradigm provided students more creative and open opportunities to explore the nursing theory within critical thinking process. The tutor is a leader with crucial roles which increase intrinsic motivation not just for student but also for faculty.