Saturday, July 16, 2005: 10:45 AM-12:15 PM
Expanding the Excellence
Learning Objective #1: Identify issues threatening the integrity of care to the critically ill
Learning Objective #2: Identify ways the utilization of technology can enhance the delivery of evidence-based patient care
Patient safety, the need to develop and practice evidence-based care, a shrinking healthcare workforce and increase complexities in patient care threatens the quality of care of the critically ill. Best evidence indicates that the presence of Intensivist and Critical Care Nurses dramatically improves the management of critically ill patient. Building on this evidence, a new concept has been developed for these healthcare professionals to expand critical care coverage to an unlimited number of critical care beds regardless of the physical location or proximity to one another. This concept defines the function of our Advance Intensive Care Unit (AICU). Recent audio, video and software technologies allow the AICU to monitor patients wherever they are. This coverage is an additional level of care. The AICU team electronically views all real-time patient records. This electronic system allows for the continuous searching of data and ways for early identification and notification of potential adverse events. Monitoring of these events by the AICU staff allows for early intervention and improved patient outcomes. Beyond direct patient care, the experienced AICU staff are mentors for education, research and evidence-based practice. AICU staff have “real time” access to evidence summaries from sites such as Cochrane and the National Guideline Clearinghouse. Data are housed, queried and analyzed ongoing basis to evaluate and provide optimum patient outcomes. This symposium will describe how the AICU team, armed with best evidence, improves patient care, assures patient safety, researches evidence and supports education. This showcases how one innovative organization truly implements best evidence into practice.
Organizer:Kathleen M. Baker, RN, BS
Presenters:Joanna Lynn Bokovoy, RN, DrPH, MPH
Judith Bailey, RN, MS
John A. Collins, RN
Matthew Karpowicz, RN, CCRN
 Implementation and education of software
Kathleen M. Baker, RN, BS, John A. Collins, RN
 Selection and Implemenation of Technology
Judith A. Bailey, RN, MS
 Evidence -based Practice on Both Sides of the Camera
Matthew Karpowicz, RN, CCRN, John A. Collins, RN

16th International Nursing Research Congress
Renew Nursing Through Scholarship
14-16 July 2005
Hawaii’s Big Island