Friday, July 15, 2005: 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Maternal Child Care
 A History of African American Infant Feeding Practices in Durham, North Carolina, and the Influences of Social Policy and National Legislation
Joan E. Dodgson, PhD, MPH, RN
 Diamorphine for Pain Relief in Labour: A Randomised Controlled Trial Comparing Intramuscular Injection and Patient-Controlled Analgesia
Edith M. Hillan, PhD, MSc, MPhil, Dip, LSc, RN, RM, RSCN
 Profiling Midwifery Services in the Americas -- Models of Childbirth Care
Kari M. Stone, BSN, MPH, Karen Odberg Pettersson, RMN, MNSc, MPH, PhD, Sandra Land, RN, PhD
 Transforming Maternity Care in the Dominican Republic: An International Nursing Collaboration
Jennifer Foster, CNM, PhD, Rosa Burgos, MSN, MS

16th International Nursing Research Congress
Renew Nursing Through Scholarship
14-16 July 2005
Hawaii’s Big Island