Friday, July 15, 2005: 11:00 AM-12:30 PM
Living With a Chronic Illness
 Living With an ICD: Knowledge, Uncertainty, and Quality of Life
Ann Elizabeth Sossong, RN, CNA, BC, MEd, CAS, DNSc
 Uncertainty and Psychosocial Adjustment Following Implantation of a Cardioverter Defibrillator
Ann Marie P. Mauro, PhD, RN
 Marital Transactions of Chronic Headache Sufferers
Mary Basolo-Kunzer, DNSc, RN, CS, Seymour Diamond, MD, Fred Frietag, MD
 Non-Epileptic Seizures: Reframing the Diagnosis
Noreen C. Thompson, RN, MSN, CS, ARNP

16th International Nursing Research Congress
Renew Nursing Through Scholarship
14-16 July 2005
Hawaii’s Big Island