Saturday, July 16, 2005: 10:45 AM-12:15 PM
Coping With Chronic Illness
 Client-Centered Strategies for Patients With Diabetes in South Carolina
K. Sue Haddock, RN, PhD
 Depression as a Mediator Between Coping Resources and Functional Performance in People With Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
Mary Patricia Wall, PhD, RN, BC
 Diabetes Nurse Case Management: Effects on Glycemic Control
CDR Patricia Ann Watts Kelley, DNSc, RN, FNP, GNP, FAANP
 Navigating Through the “Medical Industrial Complex” With Symptomatic Hepatitis C
Cheryl Laskowski, DNS, APRN-BC

16th International Nursing Research Congress
Renew Nursing Through Scholarship
14-16 July 2005
Hawaii’s Big Island