Beyond the Research Grant: Supporting Nursing Research Through Collaborative Partnerships

Saturday, September 22, 2012

Cynthia A. Diefenbeck, PsyD, APRN, BC1
Carolee Ann Polek, PhD, RN, AOCNS1
Judith Herrman, PhD, RN1
Jennifer Graber, MSN, APRN, BC2
(1)School of Nursing, University of Delaware, Newark, DE
(2)Department of Nursing, Delaware Technical Community College, Newark, DE

Learning Objective 1: Describe a unique strategy for promoting nursing research in the clinical setting.

Learning Objective 2: Evaluate the strengths and limitations of collaborative research partnerships.

In 2007, Beta Xi Chapter began the Research Collaboration Partnership Program.  In addition to a long-standing practice of awarding research grants and travel awards to individuals and groups, Beta Xi Chapter leaders desired additional ways to promote nursing research in the clinical setting.  Over the past five years, Beta Xi Chapter has initiated nursing research partnerships with several area hospitals as these hospitals have initiated or grown their own internal nursing research infrastructure.  Beta Xi developed a formal partnership agreement that is signed by the chapter and by hospital representatives.  Beta Xi Chapter provides annual support to the nursing research department to be used for expenses incurred as bedside nurses venture into research.  In exchange for the financial support provided by the chapter, Beta Xi requires the hospitals to provide, among other things, a yearly summary of activities for which the money was used as well as acknowledgment of the chapter’s support in any presentations or publications resulting from the research.  Information about the outcomes of the partnerships is published in the Beta Xi Chapter newsletter.  Many of the hospitals have fledgling nursing research departments - knowing that we can support the hospital’s desire for nursing research as well as the actual operating expenses of nursing research is a win-win for the organization and for Beta Xi Chapter.  Several successes and challenges have been faced in forging the partnerships.  Suggestions for chapters wishing to develop a similar program will be provided.