Saturday, September 22, 2012
Learning Objective 1: Embrace the various forms of technology available to effectively communicate and engage chapter, community and professional members
Learning Objective 2: Utilize a diversity of technology tools and resources to target members, subsequently improving chapter visibility and overall communication at a local, regional and international level
Purpose of this presentation is to showcase Kappa Tau’s efforts to embrace the diversity in technology and to support the STTI presidential call by Dr. Prevost to connect members and chapters through knowledge and technology. Kappa Tau has successfully embarked on a mission to embrace and utilize a variety of technologies to bridge the gap between chapter leaders and chapter members. Kappa Tau utilized survey monkey for member input, Pay Pal to register for events, where as Circle and Facebook enabled a more easy and accessible way to connect with STTI members globally as well as increase Kappa Tau’s visibility. Facetime & telephone conferencing has successfully allowed remote members to attend chapter meetings and stay connected with the chapter while overcoming the barrier of time to travel and distance. As a result of our embracing technology we have improved communication among members, member involvement and also significantly enhanced Kappa Tau and STTI’s visibility at a local, regional and also international level. Chapter leaders and members had increase satisfaction and engament of Kappa Tau Chapter