Saturday, September 22, 2012
Learning Objective 1: The learner will be able to understand the impact of involving student nurse organizations in Sigma Theta Tau community activities.
Learning Objective 2: The learner will be able to know the successes and challenges in a community leadership project involving student nurse organizations.
Community involvement is one of the best ways to demonstate leadership skills. In Southwest Missouri, there are multple nursing programs with student nurse organizations. For the past three years, the Theta Lambda chapter has inviited three schools of nursing to be involved in a community project adopted by the nursing student leaders. These projects are carried out by the students under the leadership and guidance of Sigma Theta Tau members. This collaborative has engaged the memership and has shown the students how to manage community projects and develop leadership ability. Organizations adopted include a family violence shelter, a down syndrome parenting group and a mental health support group, NAMI. Feedback from these groups has been overwhelmingly positive.