Inductions Made Easy

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Karin L. Lightfoot, RN-BC, PHN, MSN
School of Nursing, California State University, Chico, Chico, CA

Induction into Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing is a memorable event in any nurse’s career. This ceremony honors the new inductee’s scholarship, compassion, and commitment to excellence. It also sets the trajectory of their future nursing leadership and their participation as members of Sigma Theta Tau International at the local, national, and international levels. With all this at stake, hosting an induction ceremony can be a daunting task. As a first-year Faculty Counselor, the presenter learned the process of planning and implementing a successful chapter induction ceremony. The process included recruiting eligible inductees, finding a venue, organizing food and decorations, and planning the schedule of events including arranging for speakers and special awards. At the end of the day, 43 new inductees were warmly welcomed into membership as friends and families proudly cheered on their loved ones for their great accomplishments. This poster presentation is intended to provide chapter leaders with information and resources to help ease the process of hosting their own successful induction events. Topics covered in the presentation include vital components to consider for induction planning, tips to navigating the Sigma Theta Tau International online induction system, and sharing of “lessons learned” that can provide anticipatory guidance and minimize problems for the participants’ own induction ceremonies. Additional features of the presentation include strategies for inductee recruitment, resources and support available through Sigma Theta Tau International, and implementing fundraising during the ceremony to help support chapter efforts. A binder will be available for participants to review that includes items such as the timeline, budget, and invitation letters used by the presenter. The presenter will be available during the poster presentation session to answer questions and discuss ways that participants can tailor the information to best fit their chapter’s individual needs. Upon reviewing the poster and engaging in discussion with the presenter, it is hoped that participants will take away new ideas to help make their future chapter induction ceremonies cherished memorable events without being overwhelming or stressful.
See more of: Chapter Posters
See more of: Invited Posters