A number of strategies were targeted for student membership. These strategies include: 1) increasing student awareness of Eta Eta with a prominent display in the nursing department. This display highlights the benefits of membership for nursing students including access to the Virginia Henderson library and scholarships; 2) introducing nursing students to STTI and ETA Eta through an informal pizza party where board members provide pizza and engage students in an informal discussion 3) provide a scholarly forum for student scholars to display their EBP projects through Research Day; 4) provide graduate students a forum to present their nursing research 5) provide need based scholarships for a number of memberships 3) provide educational to students 4) providing opportunities for students to participate in community events with nursing leaders.
Academic and clinical nursing leaders are targeted through: 1) direct member referrals, 2) Eta Eta partnership and leadership in Nursing Research Day in collaboration with York College and local health care organizations; 3) Research Collaborative with Xi Chi (Millersville University) 4) Scholarships for nursing research 5) Mission support and 6) more visible community involvement and events including local blood drives and other charitable events.
Summary: Nurses remain the most trusted health care profession. All nurses are leaders and STTI support nursing through scholarship, fellowship, and service. Nurses will lead the way through health care reform. Though scholarship, practice, and service to our members and our communities, Eta Eta intends to exemplify love, honor and courage to our membership and our community.