Implementing Team Huddles on an Acute Psychiatric Unit

Friday, April 8, 2016: 4:15 PM

Kelly Coughlan, BSN, RN
Acute Care, VA Boston Healthcare System, West Roxbury, MA

With the staff on the acute psychiatric unit utilizing a team approach to nursing care, it was recognized that improved communication was needed during the course of each shift.  Observations and interactions with patients needed to be shared with the entire staff during the eight hour shift.  Updates on patient progress, staffing needs and unit issues were important to be communicated at various times during the tour. The purpose of this evidence based practice project was to implement Safety Huddles to improve situational awareness on an acute psychiatric unit.

The acute psychiatric unit cares for the veteran population with a variety of mental health diagnosis.  The complex care of the patients is challenging and coordinated by the nursing staff.  The nurses participated in patient shift report at the beginning and at the end of their tour. The staff recognized the need to improve communications around patient and staff needs during their shifts. The implementation of "Safety Huddles" was incorporated with a "Look Back, Look Forward & Integrate Format" on the acute psychiatric unit.  In-Service Educational sessions were scheduled on the units to inform the staff of the purpose of the safety Huddles.  A total of 10 huddles were conducted during a 4 week period Surveys were collected to evaluate the participant's perceptions of the effectiveness of Safety Huddles

The participants overwhelmingly reported that Safety Huddles improved communication and staff accountability on the acute psychiatric unit. Staff reported that the Safety Huddles created a sense of community and improved comradely. The nurses reported an increased feeling of “team” and an increased awareness of the overall needs of the unit.  The survey results recognized the benefits of the huddles for improved patient care, de-escalating sensitive situations, supporting the other members of the staff and improved recognition of patient care issues.  The recommendation is that Safety Huddles be incorporated into all shifts.