Wednesday, July 9, 2003
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Wednesday, July 9, 2003
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM

This presentation is part of : Posters

Making the Best Way the Easiest Way

Kathryn J. Dolter, RN, PhD, College of Nursing, College of Nursing, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, USA
Learning Objective #1: describe the research related to the effeciveness of various evidence-based guideline implementation strategies.
Learning Objective #2: describe an integrated-strategy guideline implementation model being used to implement guidelines in primary care.

Purpose: To present a case study describing a systematic, multi-disciplinary, research-based, integrated-strategy approach to guideline implementation in primary care settings of a large health care system. The approach incorporatesd health care provider-focused, patient-focused, and organizational system-focused strategies.

Data Analysis: Analysis of care process and patient outcome measures associated with implemented guidelines.

Findings: Preliminary data demonstrate variable improvement in care process measures associated with some guidelines between different health care facilities within the system.

Implications for Nursing: Nurses need to be aware of the evidence regarding guideline implementation and be part of multi-disciplinary efforts to implement guidelines within their health care systems.

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Sigma Theta Tau International
9 July 2003