Design: This collaborative model is proposed based on the review of literature and a research utilization study of practicing rural nurses, using a descriptive –correlational design. Methods : Review of literature and the study by this investigator confirm the need to propose a collaborative approach to the dearth of translation of research in to practice especially in our rural health settings. Findings: The gap between the dissemination of research findings and its utilization in the clinical practice continues to be evident, especially in rural areas. The result of the synthesis of research in the area of research utilization has consistently shown that the same barriers have confronted nurses over the years. Knowledge of research among nurses especially in rural areas, is still one of the main barriers in the decision to utilize scientific evidence. Also, rural nurses are isolated from expert support, and the administrators in smaller rural settings do not consider research utilization for evidence-based practice as an area priority. It is pertinent to pull the most effective components of several models together to streamline an innovative collaborative model that strategically overcome the barriers to research utilization for evidence-based practice. Conclusions: For evidence-based practice to be a norm among nurses regardless of geographical location, it will take the collaborative commitment of educators/researchers, clinicians and administrators especially in the rural areas. Implications : This collaborative model is designed to embrace strategic cooperative efforts between educators and administrators , in order to enhance the research utilization skills of nurses and reduce frustration and sense of research isolation especially in our rural settings, while promoting the value of evidence-based practice in nursing. . The collaborative aspects in-built into this innovative collaborative model not been given much priority in previous models.
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Sigma Theta Tau International
9 July 2003