Wednesday, July 9, 2003: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM

Building Capacity for Organizational Evidence-Based Practice

Learning Objective #1: Delineate barriers to making evidence-based practice changes (selecting and appraising the evidence; leading a team in planning and implementing a change; evaluating project outcomes)
Learning Objective #2: Delineate facilitators for making evidence-based practice changes (selecting and appraising the evidence; leading a team in planning and implementing a change; evaluating project outcomes)
The theme of the focused discussion examines strategies for developing organizational capacity for evidence-based practice changes in contemporary clinical settings. The purpose of the discussion would be to systematically delineate barriers and facilitators to three key phases of making a practice change: selecting and appraising the evidence; leading a team in planning and implementing a change; evaluating project outcomes. The intention of the discussion would be to delineate clear pictures of “best practices” for each phase along with unsuccessful practices. Through focused discussion of participants’ experiences, the group would be led to identify strategies that could be implemented across settings.
Organizer:Dana N. Rutledge, PhD, RN, Lecturer in Nursing

International Evidence-Based Practice Preconference
Sigma Theta Tau International
9 July 2003