Wednesday, July 21, 2004
9:30 AM - 10:00 AM
Wednesday, July 21, 2004
2:30 PM - 3:00 PM
This presentation is part of : Posters
Characteristics of the Lived Experience of Women Seeking Anger Management Treatment
Anne L. Bateman, EdD, APRN, BC, Nursing, Nursing, Fitchburg State College - UMASS Medical Center, Fitchburg, MA, USA
Learning Objective #1: . The participant will be able to describe the characteristics of some women seeking anger management treatment.
Learning Objective #2: . The participant will be able to discuss the role of the cycle of violence in terms of interfering with healthy lifestyles in vulnerable populations of women with anger issues.

A growing concern for health care providers, social service agencies, and the judicial system over the past decade has been the issues associated with the anger, rage, and increased violence perpetrated by women. Effective intervention and treatment planning with clearly defined outcomes are often elusive. The woman with anger related issues and the multidisciplinary system of providers attempting to meet her needs lack accurate problem identification that is frequently impaired by a lack of knowledge or understanding of the impact of various aspects of her lived experience. The emotional dysregulation that leads to anger and rage frequently results in violence and is complicated by physical, psychological, and psychosocial influences that are often multiple and repetitive, including the cycle of violence and victimization. This presentation will provide information about some of the characteristics women seeking anger management treatment.

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Sigma Theta Tau International
July 21, 2004