Wednesday, July 13, 2005
This presentation is part of : Evidence-Based Nursing in Women's Health
What Can Nurses Learn About Evidenced-Based Care for Women Who Had Elective Abortions?
Kaye Wilson, RN, DNS, School of Nursing, University of Mississippi, Jackson, MS, USA
Learning Objective #1: Identify the basic social processes that women who had elective abortions might experience
Learning Objective #2: Utilize knowledge of the basic social processes that post-abortive women might experience in planning evidence-based care for female clients in all clinical areas

This podium presentation will examine evidenced based care for women who have had elective abortions. Because abortion is the number one surgical procedure conducted in the United States today the potential of nurses providing care to women who are dealing with post abortion issues is great. This evidenced based care is derived from current post abortion recovery literature and a qualitative study conducted by the presenter involving 17 women who recognized the need for recovery and sought recovery following an elective abortion. The presentation will include an overview of findings of current literature focused on women's post abortion recovery and the findings of the presenter's research study. Based on these findings specific implications for evidenced based care for the identified client population will center around the following points: (a) early family lives may have an impact on choices made as teenage girls and later as women; (b) women who experience an unwanted pregnancy often times feel confusion, fear and isolation; (c) potential risk factors for women who may experience negative post-abortion outcomes; (d) women who chose abortion often have limited knowledge of the procedure; (e) women who chose abortion often experience negative outcomes; (f) women who have been exposed to Christian teaching may be more open to seeking Judeo-Christian post-abortion recovery assistance; and (g) women's recognition of the need for post-abortive recovery in the presenter's study was found to be influenced by external sources. Through understanding these points that may be experienced by women who have had elective abortions, nurses will be provided the knowledge needed to develop evidenced based care for this client population.