Wednesday, July 13, 2005
This presentation is part of : Education Strategies to Promote Evidence-Based Nursing
Calling All Educators -- It’s Time for a Paradigm Shift in Education: The Integration of Evidence-Based Practice into Curricula
Ellen Fineout-Overholt, PhD, RN, College of Nursing, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, USA
Learning Objective #1: Describe the strategies for integrating EBP into nursing education
Learning Objective #2: Discuss methods for evaluation of learners in an EBP-integrated curriculum

Research in nursing education has long been based on the premise of producing evidence-generators. Learners were expected to know how to write hypotheses, calculate statistics and demonstrate proficiency in research methodology. However, this did not prepare nurses to be capable users of research. In this writer's discussions with nurses, often the perception of research is negative and this attitude can be traced back to the nurses' educational experience with the topic. Nurses need to be able to use research first, and then generate it, when it does not exist. This change in focus requires a paradigm shift in nursing education. In practice, often, generating research evidence is conducted collaboratively with other interdisciplinary experts, is lead by nurse scientists, and involves the direct-care nurse. However, rarely is the direct-care nurse the generator of research. Nurses providing direct care must be proficient users of research evidence in order to provide best care for their patients. Nursing school, or basic education, is the primary point of preparation for such users. This presentation will describe an educational program designed to produce evidence-users, not evidence-generators. Over the past 5 years, a northeast university tenaciously worked to integrate EBP throughout its curricula. The core research courses were central to this integration. This presentation will describe these courses, including successful strategies for teaching EBP. As well, mechanisms for evaluation of learners' application of EBP principles will be discussed. Finally, data will be presented describing learners' perspectives regarding using research in practice after completing the integrated core courses.