Wednesday, July 13, 2005
This presentation is part of : Evidence-Based Nursing Care for the Elderly
In Search of Competency: A Comparison of Northern California Nursing Home Evaluations
Edith Jenkins-Weinrub, EdD, Health Services, St. Paul's Towers, Oakland, CA, USA and Marcia Canton, PhD, Canton Associates, Pacifica, CA, USA.
Learning Objective #1: Connect the relationships between staff competency and organizational effectiveness
Learning Objective #2: Identify distinguishing differences between nursing homes with fewer than five deficiencies and nursing homes with greater than five deficiencies

In order to improve the competency level of employees, managers must create a learning environment. The purpose of our research will be to determine if having a competency program in nursing homes influences the success in meeting regulatory quality standards. From the information gained from the study the investigators plan to develop a model to assist nursing homes with high deficiencies. It is believed that staff competency is a major factor that contributes to an organization's effectiveness.

In this research, the results of California state surveyed inspections of small nursing homes (within a fifty miles radius of an urban city) were examined using the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) minimum quality requirements. Two investigators identified a total population of 125 nursing homes in the target region.

The sample size consisted of 16 nursing homes with fewer than five deficiencies. The investigators plan to examine the competency programs of these 16 nursing homes using Senge's (1990) learning organizations' five criteria: (a) personal mastery, (b) mental models, (c) shared visions, (d) system thinking, and (e) team learning. These same criteria will then be used to examine nursing homes with deficiencies greater than five..

We recognize that organizations learn only through individuals who learn. Thus, we will examine the staff development programs in successful nursing homes and compare them to the unsuccessful nursing homes The following criteria will be examined:


The purpose of this research will be to answer the following questions:

1. What is the relationship between staff competency and organizational effectiveness?

2. What is the relationship between staffing levels and quality care?

3. How is competency developed and maintained?

4. Does the organization possess the five core disciplines as determined by Senge (1990)?

5. What additional factors contribute to the success of each organization?