Wednesday, July 13, 2005
This presentation is part of : Cultivating a Culture for Evidence-Based Practice
Promoting an Evidence-Based Culture Through Multi-Disciplinary Clinical Pathways
Patricia Richardson, MA, RCP, Medical Management, Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, USA

Clinical pathways within the organization were traditionally developed by the physcians. With the advent of the Center for Pediatric Outcomes and Quality, the clinical advancement program, and the Dudley L. Moore Nursing and Allied Health Fund, the organization placed an emphasis on a multi-disciplinary approach to pathway building. Work on a pathway is supported by the clincial advancement program and encouraged during the introduction to evidence-based practice classes. Nurses are now, not only required, but expected to be an intregral part of a pathway development. The intimacy of nursing involvement has created greater buy-in through knowledge of the bedside nurse.