Wednesday, July 13, 2005: 1:00 PM-2:30 PM
Treatment of Depressive Disorders in Split Versus Integrated Therapy
Learning Objective #1: Explore differences in patients' adherence to medication for depressive disorders in split versus integrated therapy seeing a psychiatrist or psychiatric nurse
Learning Objective #2: Identify four differences in patterns of medication prescribing by psychiatrists and psychiatric nurses with prescriptive authority
This presentation is based on research, which examined the differences in adherence to medication for the treatment of depressive mood disorders whether the patient was involved in split or integrated therapy. In addition, the research explored the differences in adherence to medication whether a psychiatrist or a psychiatric nurse with prescriptive authority was treating the patient. The sample consisted of 122 adults ages 20-60 that carried a diagnosis of major depression, dysthymia, or bipolar II disorder, voluntarily treated in the private sector. Chi-square was the measure used to assess differences in adherence. Adherence was determined by documentation from chart reviews, retrospectively, of the prescriptions for psychotropic medication for a period of up to nine months for each patient included in the research. There were six psychiatrists and six psychiatric nurses with prescriptive authority who volunteered to collect data from their patients' charts. Findings demonstrated there were no statistically significant differences in the patients' adherence to medication if they were in split or integrated treatment or if either a psychiatrist or a psychiatric nurse with prescriptive authority treated them. In addition, there were few differences in the prescribers' use of Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressants or the number of medications used at one time to treat patients. Psychiatrists used more of the secondary class of antidepressants and more antianxiety agents than did the psychiatric nurses. The nurses spent more time with patients using therapy that is more integrated then did psychiatrists who used more split therapy for treatment of patients.
Organizer:Jane T. Jacobs, EdD, CNS, RXN
Author:Jane T. Jacobs, EdD, CNS, RXN

Third International Evidence-Based Nursing Preconference
Promoting Evidence-Based Nursing: Innovation for Nursing Practice
Sigma Theta Tau International
13 July 2005
Hawaii’s Big Island