Wednesday, July 13, 2005: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM
Illness Is a Family Affair: An Evidence-Based Approach
Learning Objective #1: Defend why patients' personhood cannot be understood unless significant persons that help define their core identity are considered
Learning Objective #2: Design key components of practice in a family centered care model including education and evaluation
Within the discussion of each question, the group will be challenged to explore the evidence-based belief that illness is a family affair. We will grapple with the value laden concept of family, what significant factors they may bring to the healthcare of individual patients. In discussion with regard to why practice of the approach to " Family-Centered Care" is proven beneficial, arguments that the restoration of families and their role is important to society' survival will be expanded upon. The origin of negative presumptions about families will be used in drilling down to root beliefs surrounding the assumptions sometimes made about families by professionals. This will lead the group to discuss unexpected life events, their complex demands on patients and their families and the ensueing ethics of accomodation that becomes necessary. We will then place emphasis upon the capacities and limitations of families and negotiated care plans that are inclusive of families. We will bring forth the concepts such as choice, flexibility, support, collaboration, and empowerment. Lastly, in wrapping up the discussion of why Family Centered Care is a concept of value to evidence- based nursing, the different roles family can play will be outlined. These roles will be discussed with the invitation to locate areas of tension that are possible between professionals and families. This will provide a secure leadway into the discussion of what education strategies were implemented to secure evidence-based nursing Family Centered Care and how outcomes were evaluated.
Organizer:Martine Mireille Andrews, RN, MN, ACNP
Author:Colette Deveau, BA, BSW, MSW

Third International Evidence-Based Nursing Preconference
Promoting Evidence-Based Nursing: Innovation for Nursing Practice
Sigma Theta Tau International
13 July 2005
Hawaii’s Big Island