Wednesday, July 21, 2004: 10:00 AM-11:30 AM

Caring Practices in the 21st Century: Holistic Practice and Evidence-Based Practice, A Dialectic

Learning Objective #1: Explore the processes and patterns of evidence-based and holistic praxis research to inform advanced holistic nursing practice
Learning Objective #2: Explicate the potential for both evidence-based and qualitative research methods to capture the dynamics of health care issues for patients and advanced practice nurses in a variety of modern day practice settings
This symposium presentation focuses on the praxis of holistic advanced practice nurses exploring the use of multiple patterns of knowing and approaches that inform patient care in a variety of patient settings (Pediatrics, Family, Adults/Aging). An overview of the challenges facing advance practice nurses today will be given followed by a discussion of evidence based practice and holistic caring practice as goals for caring practices in the 21st century. This presentation will present the use of narrative, aesthetics, ethics, and outcomes research to capture the dynamics of healthcare issues of patients and nurse practitioners in modern day practice. No longer viewed as advanced practice nurses who use only the medical model to inform their care, these practitioners invite you to imagine the possibilities for enhancing caring practice in the 21st century. This presentation will illuminate how holistic caring practitioners differ in their approach and practice to address the needs of patients in everyday practice. A dialectic regarding outcomes versus caring praxis will be highlighted.
Organizer:Mary I. Enzman Hagedorn, RN, PhD, HNC, CNS, CPNP
 Adolescent Smoking Cessation: Losing, Gaining and Maintaining Control
Mary I. Enzman Hagedorn, RN, PhD, HNC, CNS, CPNP
 School Based Support Groups: Creating a Caring Environment for Adolescents with an Addicted Parent
Bonnie Gance-Cleveland, RN, PhD, PNP
 Unintended Pregnancy: A New View
Cathy L. Emeis, RN, MS, CNM
 Facing the Challenges of Indigent Healthcare Today
Agatha A. (Tracy) Quinn, RN, PhD, APRN, FNP, CNS
 Exercise and Movement for Midlife and Older Women
Elizabeth S. (Lizzie) Teichler, RN, PhD, FNP, HNC

Evidence-Based Nursing: Strategies for Improving Practice
Sigma Theta Tau International
July 21, 2004