Teaching Innovation: An extensive literature review was conducted identifying barriers to IPE. During this session, participants will be electronically polled regarding the most imminent IPE barriers encountered in their current practice area. The top three barriers will be identified per audience participation. Solutions to these three barriers will be addressed and offered to the audience as found in literature. A handout will be distributed to the audience addressing additional barriers for further exploration of possible solutions.
Outcomes: At the end of the session, participants will have identified and discussed the barriers to IPE as identified by the audience and have solutions to remove the roadblocks created by the barriers. In addition, participants will receive a tool kit containing solutions to common IPE barriers including literature supported strategies.
Implications for Practice: IPE experiences can present with a number of barriers; however, the benefits of increased patient safety and improved communication and teamwork outweigh the barriers. It is not only beneficial but necessary to address the barriers and forge forward with IPE student clinical experiences. As students learn and practice in IPE teams, breaking down discipline silos, health care practice will be transformed into a safe, patient centered care.