Researchers receive good advice on how to search for valid and reliable instruments, and still are not able to obtain complete copies of the instruments or permissions from the copyright owner (Clay, 2007). A University Librarian stated, “initial indications suggest that the problem of retiring faculty and fugitive behavioral instruments has yet to generate significant comment” (personal communication, 2016). In their white paper, Sommerville and Lettie (2013), reported on the discoverability of scholarly communication and addressed the communication ecosystem of individuals connecting with each other. In a follow-up paper, Sommerville and Lettie (2014) continued their discussion of the availability of scholars collaborating on works and the communications between libraries, publishers, and researchers. However, the two articles do not address the issues related to gaining permissions for the use of research tools. Other than individual university research laboratory and library inventories, no effort has been expended.
The STTI Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository has opened a new collection built to catalog and house these at large instruments and theories. A review of the literature reveals that nothing of this magnitude has been accomplished. The e-Repository provides an elegant solution that can ease the frustration and minimize time wasted by researchers searching for and securing appropriate permissions and instructions for use of these valuable tools.
The submission process is simple and you, the copyright holder, do not have to sign away ownership of the instruments and theories you worked so hard to develop. All rights related to use, modification, translation, and interpretation are maintained by the author.
The library is open to STTI members and non-members alike. Think of the opportunities that this gives researchers and practitioners around the globe who are looking for theories to guide education, research, and practice or study concepts that plague the global population. Just consider the ease of gaining access to permissions and the psychometrics of a tool and time saved. Researchers can conduct studies without running up against the many barriers of weeks or months of trying to track someone down.
To submit your work, follow the steps outlined on the Virginia Henderson Library website If problems are encountered with the submission process, the librarians are available to help you. In order to maintain the high standards of STTI, all submissions will go through a brief peer review prior to release.
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