D 13 Virtual Collaboration to Encourage Global Nurse Leadership

Sunday, 29 October 2017: 2:45 PM-4:00 PM
Summary: This symposium will detail the value of technology in virtually encouraging leadership among registered nurses globally by highlighting the utilization of electronic strategies to promote professional growth. The information shared in this symposium is intended to support and encourage chapters to utilize virtual platforms to enhance member and chapter-to-chapter collaboration.
Moderators:  Tracy P. George, DNP, RN, APRN-BC, CNE, School of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing, Francis Marion University, Flororence,, SC
Symposium Organizers:  Rita Munley Gallagher, PhD, RN, TGC, Washington, DC, USA
Encouraging Virtual Leadership and Member Collaboration

Carole D. Liske, PhD, MSN, RN
College of Health Professions: MSN Program, Western Governors University, Bristol, IL, USA

Virtual Global Operations

Rita Munley Gallagher, PhD, RN
TGC, Washington, DC, USA

Supporting Global Action Through Chapter Collaboration

Marilyn Klakovich, DNSc
School of Nursing, University of Phoenix, Azusa Pacific University School of Nursing, Azusa, CA, USA