Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Workforce Enhancement Projects
Utilization of Evidenced-Based Practice Principles to Change Organizational Values: A Case Study
Catherine Curtis, BSN, Nursing Education, Saints Memorial Medical Center, Lowell, MA, USA and Lucia Thornton, RN, MSN, AHN-BC, Consultant and Educator, American Holistic Nurses Association, Fresno, CA, USA.
Learning Objective #1: identify evidence based practices used to implement organizational values of respect, caring, empowerment, teamwork and communication
Learning Objective #2: state each specific research behind the evidence based practices used to implement organizational values: caring, empowerment, teamwork and communication

Problem:  Nursing satisfaction is related to nursing retention. During this current nursing shortage, nursing leaders need to investigate ways to improve work environments to increase nurse satisfaction. Research has shown nurse satisfaction greatly impacts the quality of patient care and nurse retention.

Purpose:  In order to improve the nurse’s work environment, a case study was done to implement a nursing model of caring and implement work values of teamwork, communication, respect and empowerment.  Through evidence based practices, the values of caring, teamwork, respect, communication and empowerment were implemented by the Transformational Leaders, nurse clinicians.

Theoretical Framework:   The Whole Caring Model, Shared Governance and Crucial Communication were taught to the Transformational Leaders who brought these practices to their respective nursing departments.

Methods:  The nursing staff was asked to fill out two nursing surveys pre and post implementation of values regarding their perception of the work environment. These surveys were compared to the NDNQI, (National Data Base of Nursing Quality Indicators) as well.

Results:  Results are pending but anecdotally evidence suggests that the implementation of evidenced based practice principles did improve the work environment and increase nurse satisfaction.