Poster Presentation

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
9:45 AM - 11:00 AM

Tuesday, November 6, 2007
1:00 PM - 2:15 PM
This presentation is part of : MCH Invited Posters
Adolescent perceptions of teen births and teen pregnancy prevention
Judith Herrman, PhD, RN, School of Nursing, University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA
Learning Objective #1: describe adolescents' perceptions of the costs and rewards of teen births.
Learning Objective #2: identify teen-oriented pregnancy prevention strategies.

The purpose of this study is to determine teens’ perceptions of adolescent births and their thoughts on the prevention of teen pregnancy.  The Sigma Theta Tau/Johnson and Johnson Maternal Child Leadership Academy provided the forum for the development of a quantitative survey measuring these perceptions.  The survey items were derived from qualitative data in previous interview and focus groups studies. Questions for those studies were developed from a cost and rewards adaptation of the theory of reasoned action originally proposed to illustrate a decision making framework for adolescent contraceptive use.  The survey underwent content expert review, statistical and expert review by an authority in test construction, cognitive interviews with youth experts, pretesting with several youth groups, and piloting as part of the Young Mothers Peer Education Project. The survey will be administered Fall, 2007.  The purposive sample will be selected from the students registered at the School Based Wellness Centers and who are identified as high risk.  Adolescents will be asked to provide brief demographic data related to ethnic group, age, gender, religiosity, income, and presence of parents in the home.  Demographic data will be linked to youth perceptions in order to determine if different groups have cohort-specific perceptions.  Findings on perceptions will be used to develop messages and policies oriented to specific groups of teens and to design prevention strategies targeted at the perceptions of youth. It is conjectured that messages, policies, and interventions may be most effective if derived from and informed by the insights of adolescents.