Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Innovations in Teaching Nursing
Empower Your Students with Active Learning Strategies
Suzan Kardong-Edgren, PhD, RN, College of Nursing, Washington State University, Spokane, WA, USA
Learning Objective #1: describe 2 expected outcomes when using active learning techniques.
Learning Objective #2: describe implementation of 2 active learning techniques.

            Active learning is an increasingly popular and debated topic in academia. Many faculty members are reluctant to give up traditional lecturing to try something new. This presentation recounts one assistant professor's experience as she fully embraced an active learning philosophy- in a physical assessment course, in her first year on the tenure track. Active learning strategies included almost no lecturing, no lecture notes, few Power Points, tickets to enter class, the BOO box, computer assisted instruction, detailed class objectives, songs, skits, poems, discussions, and simulation. Grades improved dramatically compared to previous semesters taught by the same instructor. Final course evaluation comments will be shared.