Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This presentation is part of : Professional and Personal Renewal
Nurse to Nurse Relationships: Taking Theory to Heart
Sally Welsh, MSN, RN, CNAA-BC, Nursing, Memorial Health University Medical Center, Savannah, GA, USA, Kerry Ann Shaw, RN, CPAN, PACU, Memorial Health University Medical Center, Savannah, GA, USA, and Sandy Belcher, RN, Surgical Services-Day Surgery, Memorial Health University Medical Center, Savannah, GA, USA.
Learning Objective #1: identify 3 strategies to enhance nurses' ability to support and learn from each other.
Learning Objective #2: identify the importance of nurse to nurse relationship.

In January of 2006, we adopted Jean Watson’s Theory of “Transpersonal Caring” as the theoretical framework for our Professional Practice Model (PPM).  We realized that to fully attain the essence of transpersonal caring, we needed to focus on our nurse to nurse relationships; as well as the relationships with our patients.   We realized that we needed to enhance our infrastructure by hardwiring   processes that enhanced nurses’ abilities to support and learn from one another.  Initially, one Nurse Manager implemented a “Caring Moments” campaign. Staff nurses were encouraged to formally document and submit “caring moments” that they had observed.  This program was very successful and has been implemented throughout the organization.  The “caring moments” are posted on the Nursing website and are periodically highlighted at a meeting or in the nursing newsletter.

   The Nursing Operations Council initiated a “Lunch Bunch” program. Each group consists of approximately ten nursing leaders, who periodically meet for lunch. The role of lunch organizer rotates monthly. The purpose of this initiative is to help develop an informal network of support. A third initiative, currently in development, is a “Nurse Shadowing” program.  This program will allow staff nurses to periodically rotate to other units to “shadow” their colleagues. The goals of this program are to increase awareness and  appreciation among the nurses for  the unique roles and contributions that each nurse makes to patient care.   The success of our profession is dependent upon nurses being able to understand, verbalize, and embody the sacred work that we do. Only as a collective presence will Nursing succeed as a profession. It is up to each of us to learn from one another, support one another and thus define the future of Nursing. As we strengthen our profession, we also enhance our ability to care for our patients.