Monday, November 5, 2007

This presentation is part of : Advance Practice Initiatives
You Say "Yes", She Says "No", Is She Competent?: Assessing Competence in Informed Consent to Care and Treatment
Melanie Basso, RN, BSN, MSN, PNC(C), Maternal Fetal Newborn, BC Womens' Hospital and Health Centre, Vancouver, BC, Canada
Learning Objective #1: gain an understanding of the Mental Health Act and Consent to Treatment Act and how they apply to a patient whose competence is in question
Learning Objective #2: gain knowledge of a "Competence Asessment Tool" and an Ethical Decision Making Framework that can be used to direct care for patients.

Real life situations are our best teacher.  Two pregnant women, one with cognitive limitations, and one with a drug induced psychosis, refused medical care needed to ensure the safety of themselves and their unborn babies.  In working with these women, it became clear that assessment of competence, the implementation of the Mental Health Act and knowledge of its legal limitations were poorly understood by healthcare practitioners. As a result, serious moral and ethical dilemmas arose for the staff involved in caring for these patients.   


This presentation will review clinical cases where competence to consent to or refuse obstetrical treatment is in question. We will then discuss an interdisciplinary initiative, led by two Senior Practice Leaders at BC Women’s Hospital, to develop guidelines aimed at assisting health care practitioners in making decisions about patient competence and patient care. This process included a systematic review of ethics literature regarding informed consent and the right to refuse treatment and a legal review of the British Columbia Mental Health Act and the Health Care (Consent) and Care Facility (Admission) Act. We will present a competence assessment tool and an ethical decision making framework and illustrate their application in the previous cases.


Implications of these guidelines for respecting patient autonomy and supporting patient-centered care will be discussed.