Sunday, November 4, 2007

This presentation is part of : Collaborative Leadership Strategies
Building Teams: Fostering Collaboration and Creating a Healthy Environment
Francine M. Parker, EdD, RN1, Anita All, PhD, RN1, and Debbie R. Faulk, PhD, RN2. (1) Nursing, Auburn University, Auburn, AL, USA, (2) School of Nursing, Auburn University Montgomery, Montgomery, AL, USA
Learning Objective #1: recognize the importance of developing the skill of teambuilding in order to create a healthy workplace environment.
Learning Objective #2: apply teambuilding skills in order to advance collaboration and cooperation in any healthcare practice arena.

Although health care reform occurs at various and multiple levels, it truly begins at the bedside. All nurses need knowledge of leadership theory and practical skills if they are to impact health care and health policy decisions at any level. It is vital that nurses be assertive in developing effective leadership and followership behaviors to be major players in improving patient care outcomes and the workplace environment. In the spring of 2004 the Alabama State Nurses Association formed the New Graduate Leadership Competencies Special Task Force, to address identified weaknesses among hospital nurses in areas such as communication, conflict management, delegation and teambuilding. Weaknesses in these areas were identified in the mature, seasoned nurse and the novice nurse; in rural as well as metropolitan facilities. Literature supports that these are essential skills of successful effective leaders and managers in any profession. This presentation describes the steps taken by the project team to develop and distribute educational and skill building information to a large number of practicing nurses in an economically feasible method. Specific information on concepts of successful team building will be discussed along with methods of leadership competency evaluation.