Monday, November 5, 2007

This presentation is part of : Teaching and Learning Initiatives
Test Review: Turning Tension into a Teaching Opportunity
Joseph Molinatti, EdD, RN, Nursing, College of Mount Saint Vincent, Bronx, NY, USA
Learning Objective #1: Identify 3 strategies utilized to turn a stressful test review session into a learning experience for both the students and faculty.
Learning Objective #2: Identify 3 test taking skills which can be learned during test review sessions.

Test review, from an academic perspective, has been viewed as a potentially valuable learning experience. Ideally during such a review students have an opportunity to identify common errors involved in multiple choice testing, clarify specific questions or content, and discuss how to develop skills to promote success on future exams. Unfortunately it is common to find that such experiences turn into adversarial events, where little is learned. Changing the mind set, for both students and faculty, from "confrontation" to "collaboration" is not easily achieved. The purpose of this presentation is to offer and discuss a structured approach to the test review process. This approach assists in changing the mind set of students and faculty, and facilitates the identification of students' weaknesses. Following this assessment, the development of specific strategies to address the identified problems becomes possible. Relevant concepts from group process theory and role theory will be presented as well as suggested techniques for the organization of review groups and ways to diffuse the tension frequently experienced by both the students and the faculty.