Tuesday, November 6, 2007

This presentation is part of : Nursing Education Models and Strategies
The Progressive Professional Development Model: Guiding the Integration of Virtual, Simulated, and Clinical Learning Experiences in Transdisciplinary Educational and Practice Communities
Kimberly Curry-Lourenco, MSN, MEd, RN, Mary Ann Notarianni, DNSc, NP-C, Kay Palmer, RN, MSN, CRRN, and Phyllis Barham, RN, MS. School of Nursing, Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA, USA
Learning Objective #1: Discuss the major components of the Progressive Professional Development Model.
Learning Objective #2: Give two examples of ways in which the Progressive Professional Development Model facilitates collaboration between education and practice communities.

The presentation will highlight the unique integrated approach offered by the Progressive Professional Development Model (PPDM).  The model marries the use of standardized patient, virtual and simulated environments, with traditional clinical experiences to promote development in the cognitive, affective and psychomotor domains.  Proposed is the application of technology in both instructional and evaluative experiences assuring that students are engaged in varied patient care situations. Ideas for combining virtual and simulated learning environments throughout a program of study in conjunction with traditional clinical experiences will be shared.  Inherent in the model is the progressive use of a state-of-the art simulated environment which includes high performance simulators, on-line virtual care settings, standardized patients, combined with traditional clinical experiences. Outcome measures include learning of increasingly complex knowledge, values and skills.  Application examples will be provided.  A discussion of future plans for application of this multi-modal approach will be included, with emphasis on global collaborations of education and practice.