Monday, November 5, 2007

This presentation is part of : Leadership in Healthcare Organizations
Administration and Management Perceptions Regarding Evidence-Based Practice
Kelly Jo Cone, RN, MS, PhD, Saint Francis College of Nursing, Peoria, IL, USA
Learning Objective #1: understand the need for baseline assessment of administration and management's perceptions regarding evidence-based practice prior to implementing education and utilization of EBP by nurses.
Learning Objective #2: understand the impact of diverse and differing perceptions of administration and management on utilization of EBP on their units and in their institution.

Evidence-based practice (EBP) has become widely accepted by healthcare institutions and providers as the model to guide the structure, process, and outcome of patient care (Gerrish & Clayton, 2004). However, despite a growing support for the EBP movement, only a small percentage of healthcare providers actually implement interventions that are evidence-based (Jolley, 2002). Understanding what factors contribute to this lack of implementation by nurses can be the key to designing strategies for increasing use of EBP. Many nurses cite a variety of barriers to completing EBP or incorporating it into their daily practice (Pravikoff, Tanner, & Pierce, 2005), such as lack of support from administration and management teams. The purpose of this study was to determine the readiness of administration, management, and clinical educators to promote the use of EBP within their institution. The research question is: What is the perception of administration and management in the utilization of EBP within their institution? A survey that included a 86-item questionnaire, “Information Literacy for Evidence Based Nursing Practice”, using various formats developed by Pravikoff, Tanner, & Pierce (2005) was distributed to 77 hospital directors, managers, assistant managers and clinical educators .

            Seventy-seven surveys were sent to and a total of 49 surveys were returned for a 55% return rate. After completing a Chi Square analysis on the data three areas of differences were found to be significant among the groups. The areas related to adequacy of print materials in the work place, belief that journal clubs had been implemented, familiarity with the Iowa Model, the selected EBP model for the institution.